Our Services

We Love, We Care ,We make a Difference

Out Patient Department

In our Out-Patients-Department we offer quality services which suits our clients in their individually needs. Our five Clinical Officers together with a team of Assistant medical officers, Medical Doctors and Specialists ensure the best care possible. In 2018 nearly 15000 OPD consultations were registered. This shows an increase of 3660 patients at the OPD in comparison to the year 2017.

The physiotherapy unit started in October 2016 with the support of “Wereldmissiehulp” as a service offered to outpatients and inpatients. It is a vital department in the hospital which ensures good rehabilitation for our patients.

Orthopedic Clinic

The orthopedic specialty clinic is one of the main services provided by the Nkoaranga Hospital. It forms a center for incoming patients from Arusha Region and in special orthopedic cases also from Manyara Region. In 2018, a total of 1000 orthopedic surgeries were performed and each year the number is increasing. Orthopedic surgeries count for 60% of all surgeries in the hospital. The Orthopedic clinic has different international partnerships like “Feuerkinderteam” from Germany, and Dr. Watanabe from USA. Nkoaranga hospital provides twice per year free orthopedic pediatric surgery services.

General Surgeon Clinic

General Surgeries are an essential part of our health services. Nkoaranga Hospital has one major theater consisting of two operation rooms. One operating room is used interdisciplinary as it is located next to the maternity ward. Currently a new theater with four operating rooms is constructed with the fundraisers from the German organization ” Ein Herz für Kinder”.  Annually there are about 518 surgeries performed. With the introduction of the new theater we will be able to perform more surgeries with improved health technology.


The Hospital works in alignment with the national health policy strategy to increase maternal and perinatal health. We increase our health services by constructing a new maternity ward in the near future. In 2018 a total of 787 deliveries were conducted,18% were caesarian sections.

As a part of our services to pregnant women and new-borns, an RCH clinic ran by two nurses is open daily to give antenatal and postnatal care and to provide family planning and vaccination services.

Radiology Service

Since 2017 there has been increasing acquisition of modern technology such as an ultra-sound and an X-ray. These technologies improved the patient care significantly. Nkoaranga Hospital has one radiographer technologist who is in charge of these technologies.

Dental Services

The Dental Clinic is part of the Out-Patient-Department. The dental services are delivered by one senior assistant dental officer. More than 700 patients visit the dental clinic in 2018. The most common treatments are extractions, antibiotic treatments, scaling and fillings. Nkoaranga hospital is devoted to make your smile healthier and brighter.

Palliative Center

The palliative services at Nkoaranga Hospital started since 2008. The palliative care team has 6 members- a coordinator, a clinician, a nurse, a social worker, the hospital chaplain and a driver. In 2009, our partners Gilchrist Hospice took over the partnership and up to now they are very involved in the palliative care program in NLH. During the year 2018, the Nkoaranga palliative care team provided care to 1354 patients with HIV and cancer as the most common reasons for enrolment in care. In


The Ambulance service from the Nkoaranga Hospital has different purposes. In emergency cases you can call the ambulance under +255-766-079-976 and it will pick you up and bring you to the Hospital. Additionally it is used for transfer rides to other health services in referral Hospitals.