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Visiting Consultants

Many generous groups and individuals have shared their knowledge, spend time at the hospital, donated to different projects or gave professional advices and pushed the limits. Thanks for your support and friendship.


The Feuerkinder team from Germany is an aid project which is specialised in surgery for physically disabled children and adolescent. Since the year of 2000, they come twice per year to Nkoaranga Hospital to help disabled children with surgeries free of charge. The main focus of the project is on surgeries for combustion victims, clubfoot and other orthopedic conditions. The long time relationship with Feuerkinder has improved the care of these diseases in a sustainable way. Multidisciplinary support from the project made continuous treatment for the target group possible. Since the start of the project more than 2300 operations were performed and more than 7500 OPD patients were treated.


Diane Delmonico is a well experienced nurse from the USA. For many years, she volunteers her time in the hospital for a period of 2-3 months. She assist mainly in the minor theater and OPD and works together with the Tanzanian colleagues.

Since September 2018 Stefan, a German nurse specialized in wound care treatment, started working at the hospital. His employment through Brot für die Welt has the aim to improve the wound care treatment at the hospital.

Dr.Zickle and Dr Watanabe is an orthopedic surgeon who came in contact with Dr. Kiwesa through the SIGN network. He came for a period of two weeks to the hospital to work on orthopedic cases together with Dr. Kiwesa.

Hospital Partners

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Orphanage Donors

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  • Veronica Flierl, Andrea Neeb and friends
  • Ulrich Harder and friends
  • Mama Ursula