Education and Community Outreach 


Every week on Thursday we have a class for all our staff members on a particular topic. The goal of these classes are to educated our staff weekly on important issues such as wound treatment, family planning management and community service. The classes are held by our own staff who is specifically trained in this field or from an external consultants.

Every year we analyse the patient data and try to adapt our health care services. For the upcoming year 2020 we want to create new workshop programs for our community. To reduce the spread of communicable diseases we are planning on doing workshops about HIV and Tuberculose. Furthermore, we make plans for non-communicable disease controls for 2020. We want to create more awareness to the community regarding prevention and treatment of cancer, CVA and diabetes mellitus. The workshops will support a sustainable education of the community which will lead to more prevention and hopefully a decrease in disease burden.


The hospital welcomes many different volunteers during the year who work closely together with our  Tanzanian team. Volunteering programs foster an exchange of expertise and knowledge. Nurses, medical students, and management students are part from our team from the first day on and enrich our daily working routine.

It is important to us that our staff is perfectly educated and known with up to date procedures. Here is an overview of our staff that are currently in school for further education:

– Dr. Elisante E. Ayo, Specilizing in Obstetrics and Gynecology

back in 2023

– Julius Kaaya, Diploma in Nursing, back in 2020

– Omega Kitomari, Diploma in Nursing, back in 2020

–  Neema Kaaya, Bachelor of record keeping, back in 2022

– Christian Issangya, specialising in General surgery

back in 2021

– Godnester Justin Mungure, Medical Doctor, back in 2021
